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„Squishiest” to określenie, które oznacza miękki, gąbczasty. Tak nazywa się też jeden z Pokémonów. Niewątpliwie, stoi w sprzeczności ze słowem „jędrny”. Właśnie tym słowem opisał brzuch mamy mały chłopiec. Stwierdził niewinnie, że brzuch mamy przypomina miękką poduszkę, na której może się wygodnie położyć.
Ashley miała dwie możliwości, albo popaść w przygnębienie, że nie jest fit mamą, albo spojrzeć na swoje ciało z akceptacją i miłością, tak, jak zrobił to jej syn. Wybrała to drugie.
To kolejna mama, która pokazuje, że warto jest akceptować siebie i swoje ciało po porodzie. To szczególnie ważne, zwłaszcza, że bardzo dużo, już kobiet nie akceptuje swojego ciała. Z amerykańskich badań wynika, że aż 89 proc. ma z tym kłopoty. Najwyższy poziom samoakceptacji przypada na grupę wiekową pomiędzy 35 a 54 rokiem życia, wciąż to jednak niewielki procent. W pełni akceptuje się zaledwie 13 proc. kobiet.

Last night, as I tucked in my oldest, he noticed my stomach and put his head on it. "Mom, you have the squishiest stomach. It is like a soft pillow. If we traveled somewhere and there was no pillow, you could have the pillow and I could just lay on your stomach." My first reaction was to cringe, or to tell him that it isn't nice to tell someone they have a squishy stomach, but then I thought better of it. He meant it in a loving way. He was admiring its gentleness and its softness. Soon after, one of the twins came in and joined us for cuddle time. He admired its jiggle, too, with an exceptionally loud zerbert that only a mama with so much skin can offer. Grady proudly stated that this is where they lived as babies, and that they came out of my stomach, but that babies more often "come out of the vagina." One quick anatomy lesson later, and I kissed them goodnight. ----------------------------------------- As I walked down the hall, I thought how lucky his wife would one day be. He only holds positivity for my #postpartum body. I know he will hold the same for her. He knows that her postpartum body will be softer. He knows that it will have lines. He understands that her body tells a story of the start of a life--the first chapter of someone special's story. He will look at his wife as strong, and brave, and generous for giving life. He will only love her more. I know this of him. ------------------------------------- I'm so glad I let him talk about my stomach and its "imperfections" instead of guarding my ego. Life through the eyes of a child is raw and beautiful. Know that your child thinks your stomach is exactly as it should be, too. Because it is! ----------------------------------- And how about this fun fact. Did you know there is a Pokémon character whose nickname is "Squishy"? He also shared this fun fact in our discussion.

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